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Homepage Ad Weekly
100$Featured banner ad on homepage for 1 week.Valid for one week- Ad dimensions 360 x 240px
- $100 rate per week
- Best Value
Homepage Ad Monthly
350$Featured banner ad on the homepage for 1 month.Valid for one month- Ad dimensions 360 x 240px
- $350 to run ad for one month
Event Ads
150$Banner ads featured on DorperNation Sales & Events webpage.Valid for one month- Ad dimensions 300 x 200px
- $150 for ads displayed for 1 month on the sales/events page.
Email Blast
100$Email advertisement sent 1/month to Dorper industry.Valid for one month- Email sent to # unique contacts in the industry.
- Clinet provides logo/graphic/info.
0$Need help picturing for your upcoming sale on DorperNation?Free Plan- Call for pricing-based on location and # of lots in the sale
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